WIAW #69

Wow October is half over! We have been sweltering here in California with a humid heat wave. Definitely not typical October weather. I’ve been busy figuring out where to apply for my next travel nurse job next month. Between researching the hospitals, cities, housing, and state licensure issues it has been another full time job. Some good news is that the diet changes seems to be helping the symptoms I was experiencing. I have been experimenting a bit and finding out what tastes good (and what doesn’t!). Time for the weekly WIAW fun!

Started the day with this coffee from Target. Very good
IMG_2904I used to not like oatmeal as I found it not filling as a breakfast. I have been cooking the quick oats with a bowl of water (I don’t measure just fill the bowl) in the microwave for just under 3 min. They come out really watery and hot and then I have been adding some honey and 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds. After mixing and letting it cool for a few minutes it magically absorbs the water and has a great taste. I tried chia seeds but found the ground flax was much better.
IMG_2913I added some leftover watermelon in the fridge. I had a craving for some crisp apples on the weekend but could only find less than ideal ones at the market. I miss the wonderful fresh fall orchard apples of Washington! I did notice some at Costco that looked better so I might pick them up later this week when I go back.
IMG_2921I have been playing with smoothies this week for lunch. I ran out of almond milk completely and subbed water instead (not  good decision FYI) and have tried half water and half milk but the consistency is still not as good as straight milk. This one was with regular unsweetened almond milk instead of the vanilla as Whole Foods was out. I mixed in some strawberries and some frozen peach from TJ. Cool and refreshing along side my standby of PB toast lately. I tried adding some PB to my oatmeal but wasn’t a fan. Decided to stick to it on toast instead!
IMG_2926Supper was fabulous. Despite the swelting temps here I decided to crank on the AC and turn on the oven to cook supper. I have tried cooking sweet potatoes in the microwave but they just seem to taste better in the oven I find. Must be the crispy skin. I thawed a piece of Sizzlefish salmon and quickly cooked it after the potato was done. I had an odd craving of some cooked carrots topped with some BBQ sauce (so weird and random!). I barely boiled these colored carrots so they had a bite and were not mushy at all. Great tasty side.
IMG_2910Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (in Canada) or perhaps were lucky enough to enjoy a long weekend due to Columbus Day here in the US.

Question for non dairy milk drinkers….have you tried the boxed 1 quart non dairy shelf milk options? I saw them on sale but was unsure about the taste or reviews. I’ve only had the refrigerator variety.


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12 Responses to WIAW #69

  1. I don’t mind the nondairy milks of the shelf! I’ve had almond milk like that a few times and find it tastes the same 🙂


  2. Liz says:

    Oh I used to do travel nursing and I miss it like crazy! Especially during this beautiful time of year! I drink grassfed milk now but I didn’t buy milk for YEARS! I also never drank nut milks because of the additives. I would typically just use canned coconut milk in smoothies. Wal-Mart used to make my favorite (Dragon Star, I believe), but they quit carrying it a few years back. I’d go to Wal-Mart just for that and buy all the cans they had at once.


    • How cool that you were a travel nurse too. Sure is different from being perm! I need to try coconut million smoothies. I can’t have bananas but have been finding them lacking the creaminess consistency.


  3. Jennifer says:

    I had oatmeal for breakfast this morning.
    I like ground flax seed better than chia seeds as well. I too often add them to my oatmeal.
    DId you know you can substitute a regular egg for a flax egg in baking? 1 Tbs flax + 3 Tbs water = 1 regular egg. Great for baking.


    • Thanks Jennifer. I tried the chia seed egg once but found it never got gel like. I’ll need to try flax. I just recently added it to the oatmeal and really like it. Plus no annoying seeds in the teeth 🙂


  4. It’s 100 degrees out here in San Diego today! I’m with you on this weird October weather! Is it summer? Is it autumn? No one knows. That coffee from Target almost makes me want to break my no coffee streak and pick some up. It sounds incredible!

    If you’re looking to make your oatmeal filling, I’ve found adding milk really helps with satiation. I’m ravenous in the morning, so this is what I use to energize my day. 🙂


  5. Can you believe this weather?! We are melting in San Diego without and A/C. Apparently they never need it here… until NOW. Whoa.

    I almost always buy the boxed nut milks. They have more varieties and I think they taste the same.


  6. The weather is caused by what I heard is going to be the worst El Nino season that California has seen in a long time. I got out just in time! Usually September and October are the hottest, driest months. The humidity is probably a good thing because it lessens the chance of brush fires. Any news about nursing in Hawaii?


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